Hello, I’m Chris

I have been actively involved in NILA since its inception. I am also an active Helmsman and trustee for Hemsby Lifeboat in Norfolk, we operate two rescue boats, an Atlantic 75 ILB and a smaller Broads Boat used to cover the majority of the Norfolk Broads and Rivers. When I am not volunteering with Hemsby or NILA, I am running my own small business,

Early on

After a brief attempt to make it into the world of music, I joined the British Army, completing six active service tours before leaving and starting a new career in the world of business; while in my spare time, I played rugby for a variety of teams in Hertfordshire and East Anglia.

Physical challenges and an active life have always been on my agenda and after hanging up my competitive rugby boots undertook a variety of long-distance endurance cycle challenges for various charities.

During this period, I also published my first business book on marketing and sales for the small business sector. Creating content for business development continues to be one of my greatest passions.


Today I spend my time helping start-ups, micro and small businesses with their development, which includes running an online platform with various training and development programs designed to help them create exceptional and sustainable results.

I have been with Hemsby Independent Lifeboat for nine years as a Helm on both our rescue boats; I am also secretary and one of the charity’s trustees. We are a fully declared facility working closely with our sister stations on the Norfolk Coast, including Independent and RNLI stations.

I am also proud to be part of NILA as it embarks on its journey, and I will use all my skills and experience in both Independent Rescue and business to help my NILA team achieve our shared goals and mission.

My Role

I have been given the role of Communications Lead for NILA, working closely with the entire team to ensure we create effective communications internally and externally that will enhance our value to all our stakeholders.